
A few math-based micro-optimization tricks

A few math-based micro-optimization tricks

I love micro-optimizing my code. This is rarely necessary, but I dislike unnecessary computation. Adopting these optimization tricks won’t double your FPS, but you can sleep happily knowing that you avoided a square root.

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Game balance via dynamical systems analysis

Game balance via dynamical systems analysis

Balancing games is difficult, but difficult problems are fun. In this post, I’ll dig into some of the maths behind The Long Road. The Long Road (TLR) blends elements of roguelike games and classic text-adventure.

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A short stop on The Long Road

A short stop on The Long Road

Last weekend we participated in Mini Jam #63. Mini Jam is a weekend-long game jam that runs every two weeks and features a fun twist. All games are given a theme and an additional limitation they must adhere to.

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Elastic buildings and heavy balls

Elastic buildings and heavy balls

Sprawl is full of bouncy and springy buildings. This post is about this elastic building effect. I’ll assume some level of familiarity with writing shaders in Unity (and some calculus + linear algebra).

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